• info@smileveldental.com
  • 9849003550

Cosmetic Dentistry


Cosmetic procedures are a safe way to improve your look at reasonable cost . We will examine and explore your oral cavity and surrounding structures and suggest alternative treatments .we correct any chipped, cracked, discoloured or uneven spaced teeth you might have , so that u can achieve the smile of your dreams.

At Smilevel dental hospital we use advanced cosmetic dental techniques , and improve your smiles.

Dr.Vijay Prasad can provide you with a refreshing natural-looking smile that will make you look great and feel good.

Cosmetic dentistry can help you improve your smile by making your teeth whiter, reshaping teeth ,closing gaps between teeth, filling cavities, with tooth – coloured materials, repairing chips and rough spots with fillings that match and even covering broken teeth with porcelain veneers …

Visit our clinic and let us make your smile perfect .

Creating Smiles

Cosmetic dentistry has evolved and improved in every aspect .smile enhancements and teeth whitening are a boost to a persons appearance .At smilevel ,we make sure that you smile even more .


To improve the appearance of your teeth and smile procedures such as dental veneers are done .They improve the colour, texture and shape of your teeth. Dr.Vijay will take into account your facial appearance ,skin tone, teeth [colour, width and shape] lips, gum and even hair colour to create a new look which will be refreshing .Veneers are thin, custom made sheets of tooth coloured materials that are sculpted and bonded to the surface of the front teeth to correct teeth imperfections. At Smilevel ,we use advanced cosmetic technique and we are confident that you will be happy with the results.

Composite Resin Veneers

They are made of composite resin which is a tooth coloured filling material that is bonded onto the tooth .if your front tooth is chipped off, composite resin is the treatment you need .the resin is bonded on to the chipped area .For composite,Dr.Vijay will bond the tooth coloured composite resin directly onto the front tooth,shape and mould it to achieve beautiful results.

Numerous teeth can be completed in one appointment. composite resin veneers are extremely aesthetic and will make you smile again .