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Dental Implants

It is nothing but a modern way of replacing a missing tooth. An accident ,injury or disease can cause tooth loss. If the teeth are not replaced,the remaining teeth shift into the space creating improper occlusion

What Are Implants?

A Dental implant is an artificial tooth with a root which acts as an anchor for replacement of teeth. It has a shape of a screw. It is surgically placed into the jaw bone to replace a tooth or a bridge. They are the latest and ideal treatment procedure as they look and feel like natural teeth.

Why do you choose implants

Implants are great for patients who are unable to wear dentures. They support the bridges as well. There are many types of implants –metallic and ceramic materials which are compatible to the body tissue. Implants fuse to the bone in a process called osseointegration. After 6 months ,doctor will place a permanent crown over the post and complete your treatment.

Dental Implant Options

* Single Tooth Implants
* Full Mouth Implants
* All on Six Implants
* Zygomatic Implants
* Pterygoid Implants